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Benefit Street Upclose
At an apartment building located at thirty-four Benefit St., I will give tours of abandoned basement spaces and rooms. I have created site-specific installations that transform these forgotten spaces into a context for art and the exploration of space, mood, personal experiences, and social concerns.
I am interested in environment; as in physical surroundings and domestic spaces, internal environments such as memory, and the natural world. I believe that the conditions of our environments simultaneously shape, show, and hide aspects of who we are. I address the subject of environment through multi-media installations and sculptures In these works, I use familiar approachable materials such as yarn and other domestic materials, traditional sculpting materials such as metal and wood, and more ecologically charged materials such as consumer waste. In these environments I set moods, raise questions, and expand on my personal experiences to include others’ environments.
Kerry Adams
During my investigation of environment I use my own past and present as a guide. I also look at the work of Doris Salcedo, Alan Wexler, and Janine Antoni. My ideas and visual vocabulary are also influenced by abandoned, dilapidated buildings which have their own unspoken histories, and in which the man-made and natural worlds begin to resume balance.